have just launched their home
page but this isn't it!
Confused? This is the secret world! This is where Be careful to use the right password, mind! is being pursued by the British Government because of his revelations about the incompetence of MI5 and plots to kill Ghaddafi. NB: this site is under frequent attack by the authorities and does not always work! says that he has been harrassed by the security services. Check this out Check out from the US Geological Survey. Coverage of all of the planet, not just the
US! Find out about , the Secret Intelligence Service here - inside account of life in MI6 stuff here The official home page 's page contains lots of links concerning those who watch us Conflict Afghanistan is being bombarded by the and the . I ave been unable to locate any web site based in Afghanistan but these varied links give some useful background: , , , , , , , , , , . General information about Afghanistan including recent history is available at . Northern Ireland: the four main parties are the , , and the . (.pdf file). Chechnya is an independent republic in the North Caucasus which has been at war with Russia ever since the break up of the Soviet Union. Information here from , (Russian News Agency), , . There are some other useful links at the page, also try East Timor was a Portuguese colony until 1975 when, in the aftermath of their revolution, the colonialists pulled out. The Indonesian army moved in and since then hundreds of thousands have died. The causes of this conflict are many, including religion and ethnicity. In September 1999 the people of East Timor voted overwhelmingly for their independence from Indonesia and in late September a UN force, led by Australia arrived in Dili to try and impose oredr and stop the killings by the pro-Indonesia militias. Here is the US page of the ; an ; stuff from the about the referendum; the and
the Kosovo - Is it really all over now? For other points of view on what is happening in the Balkans try the . These will you give you points of view not covered in the British and US media. This site gives maps, details of the military and police structures of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and other links. This link is a from CNN Palestine has limited autonomy administered by the but the peace process with the seems to be stalled The Eelam Tamil Tigers of northern Sri Lanka are locked in a bitter fight with the . gives the opposition view The movement in Mexico is struggling against the central government PoliticsCheck up on your MP at the . Here is a starting list. If you explore the site you can find when
your MP last spoke and how they voted in crucial divisions The Wobblies, America's Independent Socialist Party are here: , a searchable database of European political shenanigans - links to all government web sites, acts of parliament, regulations, other information Genuine here ProtestThey're mucking about with our food! here At least ten good reasons why we should ! |