
Picture of sailor New York, circa 1910 - sailor is labelled 'seafood'

by Alex Evans

directed by Tamsin Hoare

designed by Vicki Cowan

The Basement, Bristol Old Vic

January 23rd - 1.05pm
January 24th - 12.30pm
January 25th - 1.05pm & 6.00pm
January 26th - 12.30pm

Welcome to the Bowery

New York City: The Roaring Twenties. Fairy-Boy Grace and dockworker Dino hold court in the Bowery, hangout of bohos and deadbeats. But holding court don't pay the bills; selling sex to seamen gives Grace jaw-ache, and fast approaching is 'Paresis', haute-couture Fag-Ball to end them all.

Then from the shadows: a new clientele and new opportunities for Grace and Dino. But something is worrying Dino. And just how much is Grace willing to sell?

'Alex Evans . . . remember his name'   The Herald, Scotland

Bristol Old Vic Box Office - 0117 987 7877All Tickets £3
Bristol Old Vic, King Street, Bristol, BS1 4ED

Bristol Old Vic logo - link to their website which will open in a new window   Logo of Bare faced chic - Basement season 2002